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People always used to ask me what I'd like to do when I grow up, and I had no answer.
In  the course of my life I have learned many subjects and have worked in countless jobs, but none of them really touched my heart. Photography was always there, in the background, opens a door to new sights and new worlds. During the last two years, it had become a passion of mine, and started to take a major part in my everyday life. Eventually, I realized, this hobby that fills me with joy and enriches my world is the "thing" I would like to do when I grow up...

I have finally found the answer!

I started learning photography by myself. Friends and critics give me feedbacks and advice on my works. Even though I am already learning new things about photography every day I am hoping to start attending  photography lessons in my journey to become a professional photographer.

I like to take pictures of everyday life, landscapes, people and their surroundings, and nature. I find those "ordinary" things so curious. In my photographs, I am trying to present my own perspective. Each photo has its own story, and I believe that those stories altogether reflect parts of my own story as well.

This website allows me to share with you photographs of unique people I met, and interesting places I visited. Some of my pictures are offered for sale at my online store. I invite you to visit the store, and also to join my Facebook page. You are very welcome to leave your comments, thoughts and requests.

Hope you will enjoy my work… Ora

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